The project ЂORDALIUMї was formed in autumn 1995, when five young men decided to play Death-Metal. At first the band was named ЂDARK SIDEї and played songs of METALLICA & AMORPHIS during the rehearsals.
In the summer of 1997 Alexandr Danilchenko, the bass player, joined the band. Before his coming the group changed their name to ЂOUTCASTї. Thanks to Danilchenko, they make their first program and begin to give concerts.
Having had a sleepless night, the musicians recorded their first demo (the record was produced in GDK УOctoberФ). It was consisted of 3 compositions of their own. The quality of the record was terrible, but still it was a step forward! And everything was fine, but, unfortunately, a year passed and the bass player left the band for the more famous team from Taganrog, named ЂSACRUMї. Not long before this, Evgeney Petrov, the violinist, joined the band. So violin blent well with Death-Doom, which the boys played that time. But soon Evgeney had to change his violin to the bass!!! With this line-up the musicians gave several successful local concerts, and made some trips through the region. After a while a new vocalist appeared in the band. It was A.Tkachenko /aka Nimnul/. Then the guitar player and drummer also changed. Their places took A.Zubenko and V.Rudenko accordingly.
So they formed rather good team and began to write their texts in English. From this moment they decided to call themselves ЂORDALIUMї. The music became harder and faster (although some elements of doom still remained). It has already been Ђtuneful death-metalї.
At last in 2001 the heroic team recorded the first full-fledged album ЂBeyond the Gatesї. The album was recorded and distributed by the group itself. A great amount of promotion material was sent to C.I.S. and Baltic states. We may be proud, cause there were no negative opinions.
But time passes and young people have a tendency to marry. That is why ЂORDALIUMї lost a rhythm-section, and has found new, young and perspective musicians. This Уfresh bloodФ has breathed new life into the band. Doom remained in the past and forceful, hard death-black arouse.
By the end of 2003 the band had prepared a new program under working name УReligion is dead?Ф. Its presentation took place in December 2003 in DK "October" in native Volgodonsk. In January 2004 the band gives one more concert to support the new program. After it they began to write a new album. It was recorded at a home label of Cronos, the leader of the band, from March till December 2004. And on 25.12.2004 the second promotion album under the name "Fanatioma" came out for your judgement!
Second album УFanatiomaФ containing 6 compositions of furious, aggressive Black-Death Metal mixed with Thrash of the old school.
Briefly the conception of the album is the album is in forcing of religions influence upon human being.
On trying to make free choice, he gets under the influence of religious fanaticism. The first three compositions are dedicated to people zombifided by religion dogma, the second three Ц a man free of religious fatters, free to choose.
Our discography also contains the first album УBeyond The GatesФ. If was made in Death-Doom style.
The todayТs cast is as follows:
Cronos Ц guitar, vocal
Andrey Ц guitar
Holod Ц drums
Dimson Ц bass
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